miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

           In this essay I will be discussing about the global warming. The global warming started when most of the counties started to industrialize, and there is when the CO2 and the Greenhouse Gases started to increase their presence in our own air to a dangerous level, in the air we breathe. The more factories there are, the more CO2 and Greenhouse Gases income, and everyday a new factory is made, and more waste and Greenhouse Gases are being thrown as trash in the air. In addition, the ways in which we are making energy, are very harmful for the environment, we are throwing Nuclear wastes, that are destroying our home, our planet, Wastes are slowly killing us, and we are choosing our own destiny, we are the ones that are choosing the death, we are the ones that are destroying our own planet and home.

           The ones that are leading the way to global warming are us, the humans, we use fossil fuels combustion, which is very harmful to the earth, and we will probably continue to do it, to contaminate. According to nmsea.org "Human beings have increased the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere by about a 30%, which is a very significant increase" (Available in September 11 2014),
Maybe if you see it you may think "30% is not that much", but that is a huge amount, a 30% are a lot of tons of CO2, and we are increasing our emissions, because the earth is so much overpopulated, that we are doing way more factories and nuclear plants of the ones we need or we should have in order to not damage the environment and the planet, but the way we are doing it is not right, we are doing so much that we are killing a lot of species, micro species that generate oxygen are dying  due the high temperatures. We should be a third of the humans we are in the earth, and it could sound very cruel, because I am saying that we should kill millions of people, two thirds of the earth population, but is true because we are destroying this planet with this quantity of population, and the population is still growing and the gases emissions are growing exponentially with the population increase, so if the population decreases the massive gas emissions will decrease too. In order to live in the earth we have to do what it's best for it, or just don't do what is bad to it.

           One of the main location the global warming is affecting and harming, are the northern and southern parts of the planets, the poles. The north and the south poles are slowly melting , and the majority of the water we drink probably came from there, because more than the 50% of the drinkable water is stored in the massive and giant glaciers, and those are malting due the massive temperature increase. The earth temperature has increased a lot since global warming started, about two or three degrees in the earth's total, and maybe it sound like almost nothing, but that is a lot, that so much that we can't continue to get the earth hotter. We should also consider the animal of the poles that live on the ice, they are dying for a lot of reasons , and all of the reasons are connected directly or not to the global warming. The bears, seals, penguins and a lot more are dying because they don't have where to live as the ice is melting and their territory is being exhausted, also because the increase of the temperature have killed tons of fished, and has even extinguished some fish species, so the carnivore species do not have what to eat and dye from hunger. That and more reasons are why the poles species are dying and extinguishing in some parts of the planet.

          However, some people state that global warming isn't that bad, and some even state that is isn't bad at all, they just thing everything has a good side, they just try to find the good side of the cataclysm. In SkepticalScience.com, it is said that the global warming is bringing out warmer winters which will mean less death from the aged group, and other groups say that the northern, but this are thing that just generate things that we don't need, it may sound very cruel, but more food would mean a lot more population, and that means a lot of more CO2 and Greenhouse Gases production due the more factories we would have to do in order ti satisfy the needs of the new people that is breeding. The population should be decreasing, not increasing.

In conclusion, the global warming is getting worst every second we don't do anything about it, and the population should start to decrease as fast as possible, because the population is increasing with the time and as the population increases the factories, nuclear plants and more pollute building that are damaging the environment. So in a few words, we are saturating the earth, because we are to many humans in a place that is not meant for what we are doing to it, or we should make changed and adapt to them, but we would have to still reduce the population.

Signs of Earth ; (N.D) Retrieved September 9 , 2014, from Enviroment.nationalgeographic.com
Global Warming F.A.Q ; (N.D)  Retrieved September 9 , 2014, from Nmsea.org
Positives and Negatives About Global Warming ; (N.D)  Retrieved September 9 , 2014, from SkepticalScience.com

Acording to : http://www.contadordepalabras.com/, 923 words

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