miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

All late tasks 5

Cloning isn't easy to handle, if you clone someone managed with an IA then I guess its ok but when you use it to clone someone that can think for himself you go over the moral boundaries, you're basically creating life, just as a kid was born. As this may be useful in many ways this may also be harmful too as this new clone has feeling just like you. If you had the information to do that, you would have to be careful with who you share it with. Also i don't think scientist should mind about cloning but they should advance on medical research 

All late tasks 4

A reservation is an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. There are approximately 310 Indian reservations in the United States although there are more than 550 federally recognized tribes. This is because some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations, while others have none, often due to a lack of federal recognition.  Because of past land allotments (for example, under the Dawes Act of 1887) some reservations are fragmented, with pieces of tribal, individual, and privately held land, some of it owned by non-Indians. The collective geographical area of all reservations is 55.7 million acres, or about 2.3% of the area of the United States. 

All late tasks 3

1.- He's stories were pretty normal while her stories were odd and sad
2.- It's the period when baba's case was happening and weird things were happening
3.- He wanted to have his last breath with a Pashtun an he didn't want a treatment.
4.- Because she was honest and he was not

All late tasks 2

1.- Same plot and the movie is very loyal to it
2.- Some scenes were identical
3.- Almost same dialogs

1.-The movie has a lot more details overall
2.-Feelings were written
3.-Book has more scenes

All late tasks 1

1.- In 18th century and because the government wanted to keep the culture
2.- The reservations are in a way ownership of the natives, because only them can enter an the not natives only can enter with the permission of them
3.- Because they want to preserve their culture and stay without changes of the not natives
4.- Yes, because if the not natives don't interfere in the reservations, they can preserve their culture and their traditions without being interfered by the not natives