miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


A novel that goes from the childhood of two characters, Amir and Hassan, and then goes through the life of the main character being Amir. The Kite Runner got recognition all over the world due its high impact on the reader and for the story that moved a lot of people.

The main character is Amir, how people used to call him back when he was a kid, a "storyteller". Amir ended up growing up and taking that as a job, he ended up living up for these stories so basically doing what he wanted to do with his life. Im taking Amir's storyteller lifestyle into a blog entry that he wrote himself trying to reflect what he has been feeling and how has he been feeling through hes whole life as a fiction writer. The blog is from his point of view of course and his personal opinion on the whole discrimination towards storytellers in general from his perspective.

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