miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Calle San Agustín nº 950, Concón

Concon Mayor
Oscar Sumonte González

15 May 2014

Mayor Oscar Sumonte González,

I am writing to you to propose you to reconsider your thoughts about the new hotel that is going to take place in your city dunes, and I mean the Concon dunes, the same dunes that have been there for thouthend of years, and the same dunes that probably your sons and grandsons played there before

I actually don't know if you have any son, but if you had, I am sure you have taken him more than once to the dunes, because there you can spend a nice quality family time. Not only kids have a nice time there, there are many young men that go there with their girlfriend to have a romantic afternoon. I personally go there with my friends and do "Sun board", and even the university students that are studying architecture sometimes have to go there and "croquean" the dunes, that means draw it from different perspectives.

I hope you think about this, and take your time, because you are not in a hurry, but if you considerate all the facts, I am sure you will conclude that this hotel should not be done in this ancient place, because it would destroy almost all the natural places that are left in Concon.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Agustin Abusleme P.

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