miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Bill story

Yesterday I was walking in a park, i was very tired, so i sat in a bench that was right to me, when i sat there, i let my head fall down, and saw in one of the bench holes, a red thing, it was like a piece of paper.  I stood up, and went right into the paper, it was a 5000 pesos bill. I was very exited, but i didn't know what to do with it, i didn't know if i should keep it for myself, or just search for the owner, but the owner probably already went to his home, so i just  searched for the people around me, and asked them if the bill was theirs, and someone said me that it was him bill, but then a thought came into my mind, What about it wasn't his bill? I tried to think quickly about something to see if it was him bill, and i did the first thing that came into my mind, so i asked him were he lost his bill. He answered me "in the bench right there, but it was a different bench that mine, so i knew he was lying, so i told him that we was lying and he just kept walking ignoring me. After that i was afraid of asking somebody, and he would lie to me, so i just kept the bill for myself, and buy myself something pretty.

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