miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


A novel that goes from the childhood of two characters, Amir and Hassan, and then goes through the life of the main character being Amir. The Kite Runner got recognition all over the world due its high impact on the reader and for the story that moved a lot of people.

The main character is Amir, how people used to call him back when he was a kid, a "storyteller". Amir ended up growing up and taking that as a job, he ended up living up for these stories so basically doing what he wanted to do with his life. Im taking Amir's storyteller lifestyle into a blog entry that he wrote himself trying to reflect what he has been feeling and how has he been feeling through hes whole life as a fiction writer. The blog is from his point of view of course and his personal opinion on the whole discrimination towards storytellers in general from his perspective.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

blog entry the kite runner

People used to tell me story tellers are nothing but liars. I never really believed that, and i didn't really listened to anyone either, I just never took advise from anyone to be honest, thing is, I believes story tellers where nothing but cool guys trying to entertain. Most of the people don't get stories, they just think they are boring and they don't even try to get them. Ive always thought that you have to put some of you in stories, I mean, imagine the story as a car, and you are the fuel, I mean, not literally you but your imagination. A car cant move without fuel, as a story cant move without the reader (or the listener) imagination. Thing is, people usually trash talk story tellers and people who enjoy what story tellers do just for the sake of not enjoying them themselves, and i don't really know if this is because they are dumb or maybe just because they are really jealous of the ability of the reader to create an imaginary environment to entertain themselves in. When i was a kid, I remember sitting under a tree in the worms afternoon from Kabul, surrounded by the heat coat the sun gave us at the time, only me and what I consider my best friend to the date, Hassan. I used to read stories for him, well, i made them up most of the times as he didn't really payed attention to them, or maybe he did but he just never understood them, Its not that I care tho, I was pretty happy with him pretending to be fine with my stories, he made me feel accomplished so that was great, it just felt so great to be able to escape reality even in the toughest of all times, I could escape by using nothing else but books and imagination, and I would always bring Hassan if possible.

I think there have been two phases of my writing "career", the one when i wrote just for banter, and the one where I was actually writing so my art could reach every corner of the world, and I received a huge boost to take the step to jump from one to the other one, that boost was called Rahim Khan. Rahim Khan was was of my dad´s friends, and he was what I saw the most as a role model to follow as I was growing up. This guy was the first person to take one of my stories, read it, and criticize it, and he did not only criticized it, but he praised it at its own was, he said it was pretty good, that was just the best that had happened to me in the longest time. My birthday, not so long after he had read my literal work and analyzed it, he came to the party and gave me the greatest gift I received that evening, and it wasn't something expensive, it was something you can maybe buy at any store but it had something none of the gifts had, a meaning beyond the package. After that day i starting writing my stories in the notebook Rahim Khan had given me, this were real stories tho, stories that besides letting you escape, they teleport you, to a place where you can be yourself, a place with no boundaries.

After that my author life wasn't a roller coaster, I spend my days writing, doing what I enjoy the most as I still remember that notebook he gave me every time I grab a pen.